Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bug Man Unleashed!

Name: "Bug Man"
Source of nickname: Patrick [McGoldrick] when I was in 6th grade
Age: 12 1/2
Weight: I just got weighed today...83 lbs.
Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese
Family: Dad, Mom, 3 brothers - Bryan, age 10; Michael, age 8; Zach, age 4
What do you want to do when you grow up?
"I'm going to be an entomologist."
What's an ento-what?
"An entomologist. It's someone who studies bugs."
How exactly would you do that, in a lab?
"I would go to different countries and find out what bugs are there or something."
How many pets do you have?
I have a scorpion, two frogs named Hop Jump and Muck, a toad named Paige, 2 snakes named Mole and FiberOneMcCainSmart...
Wait, stop there. Why do you have a snake named "FiberOneMcCainSmart"?
Well, there is a Fiber One cereal box in its tank, and there is a newspaper on the bottom of the tank that has a headline about John McCain, and the newspaper also has an ad for the "Get Smart" movie, so that's why I named it "FiberOneMcCainSmart."
Ok, any more pets?
Yeah, I also have a tarantula named Freaky, a guppy fish named Rainbow, and a cockroach named Umbrella.
Wow, that's a lot. What's a common misconception you run into when talking to people about bugs?
Most people don't know that spiders aren't bugs. A bug is actually a type within the big group of "insect." 
Do you have a favorite bug?
[He has to think for a minute on this one] The grasshopper.
Because I've had the most of them. I used to catch them in the field by the church.
Does it bother you when people stomp on bugs? depends what bug it is. Like, wasps and ants - I don't care. But sometimes people will come up to me and say, "I killed a bug this weekend." I just say, "ok." I really only care if it's a kind of bug that I used to have as a pet.
What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
We went on vacation to Hawaii and Arkansas. And I like going hiking at Wolcott Mill.
What is your testimony?
I was 3 and my mom lead me to the Lord during a Bible lesson at home.
What have you been learning lately?
Our family is reading through Revelation and so I've been learning what will happen to Christians and non-Christians.
Anything else you want people to know?
If you find a bug and you don't know what to do with it, look it up or let it go.
Well thanks Bug Man. 


Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin,

Thanks for puting me on your blog,

Anonymous said...

You crack me up! This blog entry didnt "bug" me at all. haha...have fun getting up for chapel tomorrow, I dont have to be there till 1:30...hahahaaha!

Unknown said...

can I come and study under him. it is literally breath taking that someone can love bugs that much. Bug man is my hero. If he has special powers, which he probably veils them from everyone, they would consist of spreading bug-cheer, bugizing, and bug dancing. He is good. real good.

Rachel L. Moen said...

Yes...I am the anoymous comment! But Im not anymore because I have a blog of my own.

Sarah's game tomorrow- starts at 10, 3000 18 Mile, Sterling Heights, Mi 48314-3808 if you want to mapquest it. If you find yourself lost, give me a call. She does have a another game two weeks from tomorrow and its a bit closer. : )

Anonymous said...

way to sport the blue coat bugman. you are a legend in your own right forsure. caleb