Monday, July 20, 2009

The Week that Was

Wow, I just realized this is my 102nd post. Sweet.

I can't recall all I did since last post, but here's what I recall off the top of my head: Henry Ford Museum, church, party at McGoldrick's, swimming at Devin's, graduation open houses, church,Lighthouse, and day one of VBX (6th grade VBS).

Here are some pics from Wednesday and Thursday.

[I went with Ron Campbell and his grandson, Conner, to the Henry Ford Museum. The place was incredible. I'll post more pics on Facebook. Conner and I made cars out of some toy set (I don't remember the official term).]

[After the museum, we went to Miller's Bar, home of the #8 ranked hamburger in America, according to GQ*.
Here is the restaurant's entire menu:
Hamburger, Cheeseburger, Fries, Onion Rings.

*Before tasting the burger I would have questioned a fashion magazine's ability to evaluate a burger properly, but they nailed this one on the head. It's the Krispy Kreme of burgers.]

[My rapidly growing duck collection (thanks to a certain few middle school students and their siblings). Complete with Shy Sarah and Exuberant Parker.]

[I'm not sure why I'm compelled to post this pic.]

[The party at the McGoldrick's house began with a rousing game of "washers" between Parker and me. It's like a bean bag toss, only with big washers and little boxes. Hey Parker, who won?]

[I was wondering why the frisbee kept getting bigger and bigger, and then it hit me.
P.S. Parker is like a human Air Bud.]

[So that I don't get slapped, please leave a comment supplying your own caption for this photo.]

Today is the beginning of VBS. I'm leading the 6th grade VBX program. Please pray for the many kids who will attend. We had around 26 6th grades attend today, and hopefully we'll have more throughout the rest of the week.

Peace out.


---------- said...

Regarding the bottom photo: "mid-air-charismatic-sneezing-seizure". I see it all the time...

Unknown said...

See the MILLERS BURGER was "famous"

I had to LOL as we snapped the picture @ Millers

I could fell people looking as to say
"Ive never seen pictures taken of a Burger & Fries"

you should have Business Cards with your blog address to hand out to on-lookers
maybe a witness tool?

you gotta post the simple MILLERS Sign from outside!