Friday, September 5, 2008

What's First CCM concert!

These last few days have been fairly uneventful. I didn't have any speaking responsibilities Wednesday night as it was the last combined (Jr High/Sr High) session of the summer so Patrick spoke. Thursday was my day off so I spent time reading Manly Dominion and drinking a "hot cup o' hoffee." I plan to finish reading the book tomorrow. Manly Dominion is a call for men to return to biblical manhood as it is originally presented in Genesis and to stop being pushed around by circumstances and emotional whims. Following in the pattern of Pastor Shirk, I highly recommend the book for men of any age and for single women who are looking for a biblical description of what to look for in a man. 
Last night, I went to a Steven Curtis Chapman and Michael W. Smith concert. The concert was held at an outdoor theatre and some friends and I had seats in the lawn section. I enjoyed the SCC part of the concert moreso than the MWS part, even though SCC spent over half the time talking. [An incredible 6 part interview of SCC and his family discussing the recent death of their adopted daughter and sister on Larry King Live can be seen here.] SCC's concert would have fit much better in a smaller venue with an older audience due, in part, to the tranquil tear-jerkers "I Will Be Here" and "Cinderella." My comments I realize are sounding more critical than I'm intending, so if you watch the interview I mentioned above, you will see what I like about SCC despite his tendency to spend the majority of his concert time talking. On a lighter note, Michael W. Smith is still as pretty as ever and ended the concert (pre-encore) with "Friends" ...groan. It was the only old school song he did all night. Personally, I had a hanckerin' for "Place in This World" but, no luck. 
Today was spent at the office finishing up final touches on Sunday's and Wednesday's Lesson. I'll finish this post with a general outline of my upcoming Sunday series on the life of Christ. 

1. Why study about Jesus?
2. Is Jesus legit?
3. Why four gospels?
4. Why do we worship Jesus?
5. What's wrong with saying Jesus was just a good guy? aka Can Jesus be my homeboy?
6. Was Jesus a wuss from the suburbs whose head glowed all the time?
7. If I really want to follow Jesus, is it o.k. if I still like to have nice stuff?
8. Does Jesus really love everybody?
9. Would it have been o.k. if Jesus just died in His sleep?
10. How do I know Jesus was raised from the dead?
11. Is it o.k. if I follow Jesus half the time? aka Does Jesus play "Let's Make a Deal"?
12. If Jesus isn't dead, what's He up to now?
13. Is it o.k. to love Jesus and not like Christians or going to Church?


greglong said...

Re: your series on Jesus...

OK, Mark Driscoll. ;-)

kevin said...

and i suppose you're gonna say i borrowed my upcoming "desiring god so that you too can become a christian hedonist" series from john piper? man, i can't get a break.