Monday, June 1, 2009


Friday night I went with a group of students to see Up, the latest Pixar sensation, in 3D . The movie was outstanding - especially the long-necked, lanky, limping bird character named Kevin.

After the movie we went to Brooke's house for food and a fire. That too was outstanding.

Saturday I went to Jordan's baseball game and then two a couple graduation open houses and then to Devin's house to watch the Red Wing's game. Outstanding, outstanding, and outstanding.

Sunday night was a SNAC at the Hait's house. You guessed it, it was outstanding. We ate chili dogs and played 500 in the back yard. Here are a few pics.

[Hannah, Becca, Logan, Susanna, and Ashley
at the church before we left.]

[Did I mention the chili dogs? And the punch was really good too.]

[Jackpot!!! You can't see it in the picture,
but Maclane was actually
riding on a magic carpet.]

[Kevin = Parker's launching pad.]

[Somehow nobody ended up catching this one.]

[Ashley and Logan right after he knocked over a glass of water.
Go easy on him though, it was an accident.]

[The Psycho Sarakun Siblings.
Please notice the subtle use of consonance devoid of extended alliteration due to the inert letter "p" in the introductory endocentric digraph.]


---------- said...

Copy cat.

kevin said...

I had no clue! I just clicked on your blog now trying to figure out what your comment meant. You have to admit though, my blog is pretty FANTASTIC.

Anonymous said...

wow, i look demented in the 1st pic...