Friday, June 26, 2009

BASIC 2009

This past week was BASIC. It was a missions trip consisting of 102 high school students from New Jersey, Alabama, Ohio, and Michigan. I'll walk you through the week with these pictures.

[Mornings and evenings consisted of teaching sessions taught by various leaders and pastors on the topic of the gospel and evangelism. Pictured here is Chip Dean, former intern under Patrick and current youth pastor at Capshaw Baptist Church in Harvest, Alabama.]

[After the day's activities on Tuesday, we all (except Jersey people) went out to an Arabic restaurant for dinner. Yum, yum.]

[On Wednesday, Cornerstone students held a car wash at Cornerstone while the other churches hit the malls in an effort to have conversations with people and share their faith. Cornerstone students went to the mall the next day.]

[This picture is a shout-out to a loyal reader of the blog, Matt Brown (left). He was the guy giving me a hard time about not posting an entry during the 26 hours following my week at Lake Ann. The other guy is Matt Klein, but he's not a faithful reader. However, he was the sound guy for the week, and for that I am grateful.]

[Wednesday night we took the BASIC crew to a Detroit Tigers/ Chicago Cubs game. I'm a Cubs fan, so it was fun seeing them play for the first time. Too bad they lost. Can you spot me in the picture?]

[Thursday's lunch provided the students and leaders with an opportunity to serve one another. For example, I assembled Patrick's lunch and he did the same for me. I asked him if he would like his sandwich cut in half. He, Patrick, requested that go above and beyond and cut his PB & J into twelfths. I obliged. Evidently, he, Patrick, was only joking. I wasn't.]

[Thursday afternoon while Cornerstone students went to the mall, the other students went to God's Helping Hands. This picture's purpose is twofold: First, it provides an example of some of the work that was done that day, namely, organizing the food storage. Second, it proves that for at least 5 seconds I worked hard, just like my mom taught me to.]

[Here are students sorting clothes. Piles and piles of clothes.]


matt KLEIN!!!! said...

a) kevin, i am a faithful reader of your blog.
b) you spelled my last name wrong. typically excusable, but considering you've known me long enough and on top of that have worked with my mother for the last 10 or so months, not excusable. In fact it is worthy of a verbal lashing.
c) i made you're blog in picture form. i would say 'i can die a happy man' but the picture was with brownie so it's reduced to just a boost in my morale for the day.

Annalise said...

I was googling "Lake Ann Camp" and found your blog... which isn't unusual. What IS unusual is the fact that I actually went to BASIC 09 with Jason Coplen's group and I'm in one of your pictures. That was weird.

See you at Lake Ann, maybe.