Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Fun Week

[Cinco de Mayo was Val's birthday. Val isn't on staff at the
but she puts in a tremendous number of hours working
the children's ministries. Val is in the blue v-neck sweater.
For future reference, Applebees has free chips and salsa and a
discounted menu for Cinco de Mayo. Quesadilla Burger for $5? I'm in.]

[Last Friday night I went to Sarah's birthday party. Someone
(not me, I promise) gave her a birthday cake facial. Well done,
whoever you are.]

[Every birthday party needs a good group picture of everyone
making a pyramid. Ours failed.]

[Since the pyramid was a disaster, they opted for the
"huddle together and have Brooke do an obscure gymnastics
move while still managing to look at the camera and make
Devin lie on the ground in front like he's
trying to be cute" approach.
It was much more successful.]

[Saturday morning I went to Devin's (guy trying to be cute
in the previous picture) baseball game.
He got to pitch for the
first time this season. He also
played center field and left field.
His team crushed.]

Sunday was Mother's Day and I ended up going to the Essian's house after church. We played catch, feasted on sweet foods, watch some of the Redwings game, played ultimate frisbee, watched stupid YouTube videos (like this one about Fainting Goats), and watched a Tim Hawkins comedy DVD. I dont' care who you are, that guy is funny.

In related news, I found out that the Essian's oldest daughter's husband's college roommate married my cousin, Donni-Anne. Pretty cool, huh.

Monday I went with Pastor Bob and intern Bill to Indianapolis to attend a funeral and then got back in time to eat dinner and go back up to church for an elders meeting.

Tuesday I was in the office and then watched American Idol at the Owens's house.

Today I'm in the office and then have some meetings this afternoon with a college marketing guy. Including tonight, there are only 5 more Middle School "gatherings" before we are combined with high school for the summer. Wow, time flies!


Anonymous said...

brooke was really sad that danny went home...

---------- said...

Thanks, once again, for sparing me the WRIF t-shirt pic.... I owe ya', buddy!