Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sunday's Message

On Sunday, Pastor Bob preached a message entitled "The Image of God in the Call to Parent," from Deuteronomy 6:1-9. I wanted to pass on a few quotes (as accurately as I was able to write them down) from and comments concerning the message.

Here was the basic outline of the message with my favorite quotes included:


"For the first time in 70 years, this next generation but have to live in smaller houses than their parents did, not have as nice of stuff, and be worse off financially than their parents."

Cultural Assumption #1 - Kids are born innocent

"This is why parenting today means to let your kid direct himself. "

(following a list of things usually considered to be bad influences on kids that parents try to keep away from their kid at all costs) "Your kid is a bad influence on himself!"

"Many parents say, 'We can't impose our beliefs on our kids,' that is unless we're speaking about global warming or politics."

Cultural Assumption #2 - Kids are smarter than their parents.

- "as seen on pretty much every TV show today"

Cultural Assumptions #3 - Boys and Girls are the same

"Boys and girls are not the same! Males were created in the image of God and females were created in the image of God and each reflect that image uniquely!"

- at risk of misquoting Pastor Bob, I will summarize what I remember him saying on this point and hope that I represent his thoughts accurately. Pastor Bob talked about one way that culture is feminizing boys is by not keeping score in competition, "because we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and because 'everybody is a winner.'" Boys are wired to conquer and build and compete! "Give a boy a hammer and the whole world becomes a nail." You compete to win! Why else would you play?


"God's dream for your kid is for him/her to look just like Jesus."

Lastly, a quote that wasn't a part of the parenting message but that Pastor Bob mentioned several times on Sunday regarding someone who has repented of sin:

"Our job, as the church, is to put the winds of grace in his sails of repentance."

1 comment:

Rachel L. Moen said...

Thanks for posting these, I still need to download the sermon since I was at whiteout but that was a good preview!