Monday, March 9, 2009

The Last Two Weeks...Give or Take a Couple Days

Time for an update.

Since I was last spotted watching strangers at Starbucks, there have been a few happenings.

A week and a half ago, on a Friday night, we had a middle school gym night. Here is just a sampling of the pictures that were taken with my camera by a couple students before the battery died:
[Susanna's feet]

[I think I'm gonna hang this one on my wall.]

[It can hang right next to this one.]

Then the next day I hung out with Devin and we went to Teddy's basketball game and then played video games before heading out to go to Parker and Paige's soccer games. Rats, I just remembered Paige was gonna email me a picture I took with her camera but she never did. Oh well, here is a pic or two from my camera:

[That's Paige in the red. The green part is the field.]

[Hopefully Parker and I are good enough friends that
he won't hate me for posting this. This was taken at McDonalds.]

Then on Wednesday night of last week, E.J. Swanson from Lake Ann Camp was here and spoke to the middle school students. We also absorbed the 6th graders and a few Sr. Highers for the evening. I have a picture to prove it:



Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

parker looks like a freaking elf! that made me laugh...

Anonymous said...

i love my feet!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the hand was zaks fault, he stuck his hand in front right b4 i took the picture. not fair!