Monday, January 12, 2009

Pancakes, Spontaneity, and Musical Tunes

Here's what's been happening and hopefully will happen in the next week.

Last Sunday's pancake breakfast went outstanding. Wednesday night I spontaneously (or the Spirit led me, if that sounds better) changed my lesson at the last second (literally I changed my mind while we were singing the last song) so I ended up talking about Isaiah 1 and the importance of having our hearts engaged in worship and not just bring lip service.

Sunday, the day after the day before yesterday, I made it through all of one of the three points to the lesson. And, much to the elation of the students, I finished on time! I tend to go long. And by "tend" I mean, I rarely don't go long. We are talking about our middle school core values, "Marked by Grace," "Driven by Love," and "Dependent Upon Prayer."

[Sean Watkins :: Jon Forman]

Tomorrow night I am going to the Fiction Family concert at The Ark in Ann Arbor with Jordan and Jessa. "Fiction Family" is comprised of Jon Foreman from Switchfoot and Sean Watkins from Nickel Creek. They release their first record next Tuesday. It's gonna be sweet. And as an added bonus, Jon Foreman will be doing a daytime free concert at the Borders in Ann Arbor and I am hoping to be able to attend that as well.

Here is the video for Fiction Family's current single, "When She's Near."

Tangentially, this Friday the youth group at Cornerstone is going to be hosting a musical evening of its own. Four local bands, all of which have some sort of connection to Cornerstone students will be appearing in concert. The night will hopefully bring in a lot of students from the community. I have only heard one of the bands that will be playing, namely "We Sleep Like Lions," and if they are any reflection of the night as a whole, I am thinking that the night is going to loud and crazy and a lot of fun. And loud.*

[The promo poster for Friday night's event.]

*Please file and and all complaints concerning my repetitive repetition of the descriptive term "loud" at the Department of Redundancy Department. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

You are one lucky man to go see Fiction Family!! I pre-ordered it and can't wait!

Rachel L. Moen said...

Annnddd...Saturday you might go rollerskating to celebrate an awesome birthday party! : )

Anonymous said...

I'm digging that song. My ignorance of such is bliss is abundant. Thank you for introducing me.

Nate C. said...

Root, love ya man. sounds like ur having quite the time out there. You write really ... well, yeah, well, i'm gonna stick w/ well as my final answer.