Monday, January 5, 2009

Killer Duck

Disclaimer: I am posting this video because enough students have requested it after it was shown to all the students and youth leaders yesterday after our pancake breakfast. I had nothing to do with the showing of the video. It was all Sarah's fault. And Ray's. And Kleinster's. The video was made a couple years ago at school by me and some friends for a video competition. Watching it will NOT make you smarter.

Click here to go to the actual YouTube page.


Unknown said...

I forgot how awesome that movie was. You are the next Brad Pitt.

Anonymous said...

I definitely felt some brain cells die while watching the video. I can never get them back. The rest of my family was too busy laughing during the video to feel their brain cells dying. I almost envy them. They are oblivious to what really happened to them. I have to live with knowing the truth.