Saturday, November 22, 2008

Judgment Day! [the votes are in]

The day as arrived and in honor of it being naptime judgment day, I have enlisted the assistance of a friend of mine to help with the judging: Mr. Judgment Day himself, the governor of Cal-ee-fo-nee-a, Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

Because of the abundance of submissions, I have chosen to announce winners in various sub-categories, culminating of the grand champion. Therefore, without any further ado, here are the judgments:

The Noah on the ark/Moses on Mt. Sinai/Jesus in the wilderness nap: 
forty winks (Rachel)

The Psycho ward/Rehab Naps:
euphoric* and ecstacy (Josh) addictive (Rachel)

*describes a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania -

The "My Family Tree Never Splits" aka "Redneck" Nap:
gidderdone (Sarah Mo Mo)

The "Not To Be Confused With Recess Behavior" Nap:
exuberance (Abby)
The Conservative-Politician-in-Hollywood Nap:
rare (Dena)

The "According to Google that's not a Word" Nap:
restastic (Mike)

The Calvanist Nap:
God ordained (Rachel)

The Celestial Nap:
glorious (Josh)
The Boy-Scout-Helping-the-Old-Lady-Across-the-Street Nap:
helpful (Paige)

The "Very True but not the Grand Champion" Naps:
incredible (Parker) warm, cozy, stupendous (Abby) 

The "Detroit 7 Mile and Popstar Approved" Nap:

The GRAND CHAMPION word because it has come forth from the very one who carried me in her belly for 9 months plus a few days:
revitalizing (Mom)

a special thanks to Mr. Terminator for his help in judging this contest.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I won! The last thing I won was a life size Christmas stocking from Porter Hardware when you all were small.

And for the record, I carried you for 9 months and 2 weeks. . . and then you came only because the doctors felt sorry for me and said, "No more. . .this lady's had it!" As it was, the doctor's words when she delivered you were "you've got yourself a boy. . .he's half grown but he's a boy!" In fact, you were born right before lunch time. . .imagine that!

Thanks for keeping peace in the family and picking me! :)


Josh said...

wow, all three of my words won!!!

greglong said...