Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Good People. Good Tunes. Good Time.

Jessa had this great idea that we should all switch coats/ cardigans! I promise it was all her idea, and she was super excited about taking the picture wearing an oversized men's jacket.*

The concert tonight was incredible! We packed out the middle school room and I think everyone had a lot of fun.  Jordan and Jessa led a few corporate songs before spending about 45 minutes playing some of their own musical babies and talking about how God has worked in their own lives. Through it all, the night had some really incredible moments in which some of the students were really challenged and encouraged spiritually. I'm lucky to have such talented friends who work so hard on developing the gifts God has given them. "Good people. Good tunes. Good time." That's what I always say. Cheers!

*Much of what is included in this caption is complete and utter fabrication. 


Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin. I think the green jacket goes nicely with the shoes. Did you get to keep it?

I hope you let Jordan keep the blue cardigan!


Anonymous said...

I guess that wasn't too anonymous. Sorry!

kevin said...

Jessa made this big stink about how the coat was hers and that it didn't even fit me in the least bit and that Jordan shouldn't dress like he has grandkids and plays bingo all day -- so no, I didn't get to keep the jacket.

Rachel L. Moen said...

Whoever took that picture is pretty good at capturing pictures of people in clothes that are not there's. : ) That made sense...

We missed you tonight...I was going to shoot some names for your car at you but you missed out. Oh well. : )

Anonymous said...


they sounded like Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat :)
