Saturday, August 23, 2008

Roadtrips, Pride, and a Picture

Today is Saturday, and I am spending the day relaxing. This morning I walked to the bank. After that I washed, waxed, and vacuumed my car. After that I finished reading the book, The Seven Checkpoints, by Andy Stanley and Stuart Hall, and now I'm telling you all what I just did. 
Thursday was spent traveling for 11 hours to New Jersey. We arrived at the pastor's home (a former intern at Cornerstone) in time to eat some dinner and watch the Yankees get CRUSHED 13-4 by the Toronto Bluejays. Friday a.m. was the ordination. It lasted just short of 4 hours and then we, the Cornerstone clan (consisting of Pastor Bob, Patrick, Ryan Gasperado, and myself), hopped back in the mini-van and drove back to Detroit arriving shortly after midnight. I really enjoyed being able to sit in on the ordination. We, the Cornerstone clan, had spend 7 hours evaluating the doctrinal statement during the drive out, so I enjoyed not only hearing what questions the council felt were necessary to ask, but I also enjoyed thinking in my head how I would answer those questions if they are ever asked to me someday.
While on the road, the clan discussed the issue of male pride, specifically how it manifests itself in the context of road trips. We dialogued about how a man would rather suffer from severe internal agony for upwards of several hours than request that the driver of the vehicle stop at the next exit because he, the proud man presently suffering from severe internal agony, had to use the bathroom. I fall under this category of proud men. The common solution oft used by men such as myself is that of mentioning a desire for food a.s.a.p. Upon arriving at food source, be it Arby's, Wendy's, or a Flying J, we swiftly yet subtly hit up the bathroom before we casually browse the shelves and/or menu, purchase the munchies we may or may not want, and dishonestly announce to the group still waiting in the car, "Thanks guys! These munchies will really hit the spot!"
That wasn't all we talked about, but unless you want me to include a transcript of our 7 hour doctrinal statement discussion, you'll just have to be content. Enjoy your day, thanks for reading, and I'll try and have another entry up on Tuesday. It will probably include some thoughts on Pastor Bob's Sunday's message and the book I will have begun reading, Becoming Conversant with the Emergent Church, by D.A. Carson. 
Here's another picture for you all. It's a picture of the bedroom I am currently staying in, and, more specifically, the room from which I am typing this entry. The guy sleeping in the bed on the left is Phil. We're roommates until Wednesday when he leaves for college. He doesn't know I took the picture.


Unknown said...

I have to say that it is a little creepy that you took that picture without Phil knowing about it. I am one of those proud males, however.


Wow...two things make me proud. One being that you have an amazing comforter. And Two being that you are a good son who still makes his bed! Make sure mom looks at this post because she will be exceedingly proud.
BTW...The only bad part about commenting on here is that I have to copy this code thing below and last time it took me four tries before i got it right! I almost clicked on the handicapped sign because I couldn't get it. After being thoroughly embarrassed...and glad no one was in the room...i finally got it. I think the computer felt bad for me and accepted anything i typed.

socialdgrl1c said...

I'm curious is the man married, the one who went through the ordination. if so did they ask his wife questions? I've seen that before. Sometimes it's really hardcore and then sometimes, not so much.