Sunday, August 17, 2008

Say Hello to My "Offive."

<-- This is picture of my office where I spend much of my time. I like to sit in the purple chair and read or lie on the couch [as of yet unseen in blog pictures] and read. The many chords are a bit of an eyesore, but when I'm sitting in my purple chair I can't see them so they, more or less, serve as a visitor deterrent. People don't like to stay long when they visit my office because the sight of the many chords and wires hurts their eyes and makes them [the visitors, not the eyes] feel woozy in their tummies. 
Yesterday I set up a bank account, went to the Macomb mall, and checked out the shops at Village Park. The bank account experience was good. I was given $25.00 just for opening an account, and I also got my roommate $25.00 because he referred me to the bank. The Macomb mall was ok. I bought a pair of jeans, but when I got home I realized they were dirty so I exchanged them today after lunch. The shops at Village Park are fancy. I had to pay 75 cents just to park on the street. I went to these shops because one of the shops is a Borders Book Store. A store specializing in having many books. Unfortunately this Borders didn't have two of the three books I wanted, and the one it did have was frighteningly overpriced. 
So then I sat at a table, took advantage of the free wireless from the Panera across the street, and ordered the three books off of Amazon. I ordered The Reason for God,  by Tim Keller, Vintage Jesus, by Mark Driscoll, and Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. I've read the first two already but wanted to own copies for myself because they will serve as great reference sources. The third book I have not read, but I've heard great things about it. *At this point in my entry, I learn from the ESPN channel on TV that Jeff Gordon just got knocked out of the NASCAR race. Poor Jeff. Now he won't be able to provide food for his family. Also, one of the sons in the family I live with is at this NASCAR race with his girlfriend. I hope neither of them is a Jeff Gordon fan.* 
This morning I spoke for the junior high and senior high Sunday school class. Like I had planned in my Wednesday blog, I did speak from Luke 15. Everything went well and I feel that I communicated as clearly as I could have hoped. I spoke with one of the leaders afterwards who I lived in the dorm with back at BBC, and he said he thought everything went well and that he didn't see anyone falling asleep, which on many Sunday mornings is all one can ask for. 
Tonight is a Sr. High SNAC which I figured out is an acrostic for "Sunday Night After Church." Thursday morning I am leaving for New Jersey with a couple of the pastors and a couple men from the church to attend the ordination (an event when a guy is asked a lot of questions about his doctrinal positions to determine whether he qualified to be ordained) of a former intern. We will drive back from New Jersey on Friday. It will be a total of appx. 20 hours in the car in 2 days.  
That's all for now. I appreciate all who provided additional suggestions for the flannelgraph curriculum. If I can be so bold, could I ask that those who read this, please leave an occasional comment at least letting me know that you read the blog or drop me an email ( letting me know the same. I'm curious who all reads this and knowing my audience might have an effect on what I include in my entries.

warning: the following is an inside joke I have with one of my friends who reads this blog. please don't invest too much time trying to decipher it's meaning.

P.S. The grass in Detroit sure is on the scary side!


Unknown said...

Yeah, kind of like in the Wizard of Oz...that is kind of metro...metro detroit.

Anonymous said...


Your Dad is and will be a faithful reader. I am excited about the things God will teach you through this internship at Cornerstone. You will be learning where the "students meet the youth room" and "their parents meet the youth pastor" (like where the rubber meets the road).

I will be praying for you as you face the daily challenges of full-time ministry and seek to decide whether it is what God has in store for your life.



Anonymous said...

hey I finally got around to checking your blog out... sorry i only read the most current one. When I get back to school and into the typical crazy bbc schedule I will check it regularly to keep up with my long lost bbc ministry team student leader and head "lifeguard" from 2007!

everestjunkie said...

umm... i don't like that i had to join the jimjones-like blogspot cult to leave a comment (even though i don't actually use blogspot).

but i did-- and i suppose i would drink koolaid too if they asked me to.

anyway- i am enjoying reading about your Journey. it makes me happy to see kids who i have cared about, taught, helped, prayed for, and loved NOT jump fence and run away from The Safe Pasture.

you encourage me.

i pray your time in the ghetto proves profitable.


socialdgrl1c said...

Someday I'm going to get that crazy love book and read it... or maybe i can pull a YOU. Find it somewhere and read it then later on buy it.