Saturday, April 4, 2009


[I know this post is borderline outdated, but I have been slow in getting posts up. So, for the two people who faithfully read this, here is one last entry to get me up to date. More or less.]

Last Sunday afternoon (March 29) I went with a group of students over to Kayla's house to watch Twilight. The group was split 50-50 guys and girls and consisted of everything from freakishly obsessed fans (you know who you are) to kids who hadn't read the book or seen the movie.

I'm not gonna lie. I don't know if anything could have prepared me for what I experienced that afternoon. It all started off under control. We (the students and I) were sitting around the living room eating hot dogs, Sloppy Joe's, and chips and sucking down way too much pop ("pop" is what mid-westerners call "soda") and asking each other random questions, like "What's your most embarrassing moment" type stuff. This carried on for a while but inevitably we had to do what we came Twilight.

Girls (and also some guys) have been going nuts over this book series and movie. I read the first book in the series several months ago in an effort to familiarize myself with what all the students were talking about. "I like Edward." "Bella is so cool." "I'm on team Jacob."

[The basic story line is that main character, Bella (pictured above in
the brown),
falls in love with Edward (the pale faced, golden eyed,
perfectly groomed guy/vampire to the right of Bella).]

I am not making up what I am about to say, nor am I exaggerating in any details. When Edward first makes his appearance on screen, he is shown in borderline slow motion walking into the high school cafeteria. At this point, I kid you not, the girls in the living room started uncontrollably screaming their faces off! I have never seen such a response to a movie character. Ever. I would also like to add that some of the girls had already seen the movie multiple times and were still screaming.

This screaming episode repeated itself later when Edward was seen in a scene glittering in the sunlight. Don't ask. I'm just saying what happened.

The peak moment in the movie, and by peak moment I mean the moment that almost forced the previously consumed Sloppy Joe's and chips to resurface in a projectile manor, was when Edward was confessing his undying, forbidden love for Bella and he tells her, "You're like my own personal brand of heroin." Please note that I am not lying or exaggerating.

I turned around to the girls and said, "What was that!? That's the most awful line I've ever heard in my life!"

That being said, I did feel that the movie was a fairly accurate representation of the book and I can see why girls (and some guys) like it, but it's not gonna be on my Christmas list any time soon. Unless I'm naughty. Then Santa might put it in my stocking.

So that's what happened a week ago Sunday.

Yesterday, I taught in Sunday school on the Day of Atonement and in the afternoon I talked through the Romans Road with the high school group preparing for their missions trip this summer.

This week I'll be prepping for Good Friday and Easter.



Unknown said...

Altho Bro ROOT is to Humble to mention it I will!

Yes he taught on & about the Atonement
to a group of Middle School Students 45 +
out of Leviticus

Kevins Gifted-ness had there
"FULL- Attention for 25+ minutes as they listened and absorbed his lesson

Ty Lord for sending him our way

Hebrews 11:6

Unknown said...

that was fun when i set up the screaming

Anonymous said...

"...but it's not gonna be on my Christmas list any time soon. Unless I'm naughty. Then Santa might put it in my stocking."

Best thing you've said...EVER.


Abby said...

that would be my sister and her friends, and to be honest, the movie was terrible compared to the books. and i agree that the line "your my own personal brand of herion" is really kind of creepy and twisted if you think about it, b/c he's talking about how she smells. and that line isn't really romantic like also. but i understand how some would like the movie.