Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Here's My Week in 60 Seconds

[This weekend I went to a Black and White costume party.]

[We totally didn't plan this, but there were 3 "Mormons missionaries" there. I lost my name tag somewhere in the Safeway parking lot during the photo scavenger hunt.]

Sunday night I went to a "Slam Poetry" thingamajig down the street with some new church friends. I learned that the audience is supposed to raise their right hand when the poet has 10 seconds remaining and that the polite way to encourage a poet who is struggling to remember his or her words is to snap your fingers.

I'm doing homework each night this week. Friday night and Saturday morning I'm attending membership classes for Providence and then on Saturday night I'm going to the Meese show. I have to go shower now and then go to work.

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