Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Long Overdue

It's been a while since I updated what I've been up to. I honestly haven't had time to update this too much, but I have today off of work and so I am without excuse.
[A couple weeks ago, we (my job) took the after school program kids to a corn maze. These are two of the leaders (Joe and Cody) and one of the students.]

[Also, in the not too distant past, I went with some friends to the Denver Nuggets' season opener. We literally sat in the furthest possible seats in the whole arena.]

[For Halloween, a bunch of us went to the Meese concert. It was a costume party of sorts and all the Meese guys dressed up like "Thriller" zombies. One guy in the crowd wore a legit "Balloon Boy" hat and passed it up to the front for Pat to wear during one of the songs. He did. After the show we went back to the Meese's house and hung out with all the bands who played that night: Meese, Ludo, The Northern Way, and Ha Ha Tonka.]

[The following day was Sunday and so I went to church. After the service we walked up the street to the local community center because 5 people were getting baptized that day. We all stood around the swimming pool and sang and listened to the people's testimonies. After the baptisms a bunch of us went out for lunch and then ended up hanging out at a coffee shop until 6 o'clock. Great day.]

[This pic is out of order, but thse are some friends of mine who went to the Friday night show - Megan, Alyssa, and Ashley. They are part of the newly established Monday night "Dinner and a Movie" tradition.]

[The next weekend Churchill played a couple shows...including their biggest one yet! They played with these bands on Friday night at the Marquis: The Rouge, The Still City, and Snake Rattle Rattle Snake; and with these bands on Saturday night at Everyday Joe's in Ft. Collins: Andrea Ball and SHEL.]

I had to post this one because it's Ashley talking to our friend, Emily, on the phone while cooking the chicken for Monday night "Dinner and a Movie." It's crazy all the connections I have with people in Denver - a lot of mutual friends.]

So that about wraps up what I've been up to of late. I've been working on taking more pictures so as to have something to post.

Today I'm going to spend the rest of the day reading for class and doing some generic apartment supplies shopping. Tonight Churchill is playing 2 songs live on the local news and so I'm gonna watch that. Hopefully I can find the video online later and post it. Ummm...Saturday night I'm going to a Colorado Avalanche game with some friends and helping out with a local food drive (or something like that). That should be fun. That's about it. Have a great rest of the week. Happy Veterans' Day!


Alyssa said...

Woo Hoo! I made it in the blog!

ALS of Michigan said...

You went to an Avalanche game? I think you just severed ties with all your friends in Detroit! I honestly don't think I can even talk to you, unless you went to scream bad things at them at the whole time. I don't know, man...this is bad and possibly not forgivable! ;)

kevin said...

Grammar Notice: My reference to attending said Av's game was written in future tense, implying that my attendance had not happened yet.

News Update: I just found out tonight that my reason for going to the game - helping out with a clothing drive - has been postponed for a month. Thusly, I will not be in attendance at the game on Saturday night. Tangentially, I was planning on wearing my Red Wings t-shirt to the game in order to take a picture for my blog. I promised the Wasil's I would do that if I had the chance.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it. :)

ALS of Michigan said...

Well I now can sleep better at night and cease my prayers of not allowing you to sleep at night without the Holy Spirit causing you to feel the anguish of your waywardness! You and your friendships with all in Detroit have been restored.

So put that in your playlist and dance to it! ;)